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The left table enables to select lenses from the various catalogs according to several parameters described below.
Enables to select a lens supplier. Obviously, when "All" is selected, this criterion is not taken into account in the selection.
Note that "Theoretical" groups inhouse designed lenses which are not labeled as manufacturers reference.
Defines the type of lenses to be selected. If "All" is selected, this criterion is not taken into account.
Actually, the lenses can be thin lenses (ideal lenses), single lenses with spherical/plane surfaces ("plano convex", "plano concave", "bi convex", "biconcave"), single lenses with at least one aspherical surface ("aspherical"), cylindrical lenses with plane/cylindrical surfaces ("cylindrical") or achromatic doublets/triplets made of two/three spherical lenses ("achromat").
Defines the configuration which is set up in the "Advanced Calculations" simulation tool when the lens is inserted using the "replace actual system" option in the "insert a component" page. The lens is then used as a stand alone component. If this cell is empty, this criterion is obviously not taken into account.
Defines the reference of the lens to be selected. As each reference is normally unique, no other selection criterion should be used when this cell is filled. If it is empty, the related criterion is obviously not taken into account.
min. efl
*Defines the lower value authorized for the effective focal length of the lenses to be selected. If this cell is empty, this criterion is obviously not taken into account.
max. efl
*Defines the upper value authorized for the effective focal length of the lenses to be selected. If this cell is empty, this criterion is obviously not taken into account.
min. diameter
**Defines the lower value authorized for the diameter of the lenses to be selected. If this cell is empty, this criterion is obviously not taken into account.
max. diameter
**Defines the lower value authorized for the diameter of the lenses to be selected. If this cell is empty, this criterion is obviously not taken into account.
* The effective focal lengths may be defined at different wavelengths depending on the manufacturers.
** The lens diameter is not necessarily its clear aperture.
The results are displayed in a table at the right of the selection table.
The columns are the following:
Defines the lens reference. It is possible to access to a relevant page on the supplier website by clicking on the reference. Note that there is no accessible web page if "Generic" is selected.
Defines the supplier name.
Defines the lens type.
Defines the supplier reference of the lens material(s). Note that material parameters can be displayed in the glass selection tool.
Defines the effective focal length of the lens in mm at the wavelength defined in the wavelength. column.
Defines the lens diameter in mm.
obj., obs. as well as wavelength. are parameters that are set up in the "Advanced Calculations" simulation tool when the lens is inserted using the "replace actual system" option in the "insert a component" page. In this case, the lens is primarily used as a stand alone component.
Defines the algebraic distance from the object to the first surface of the component. It is "infinite" if the object is placed at infinity.
Defines the algebraic distance from the last surface of the component to the observation surface.
Defines the wavelength at which the effective focal length is defined. It is also the only active wavelength (defined in microns).