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The left table allows to select mirrors from the catalogs according to several criteria described below.
Note that it enables to filter mirrors in a given configuration. Indeed, different references may designate the same mirror used in different configurations and in particular with different magnifications. Therefore, the selection table allows to filter mirrors parameters as well as the magnification thus enabling to deduct object and image planes positions.
Allows to select mirrors supplier. Obviously. When "All" is selected, this criterion is not taken into account in the selection.
Note that "Theoretical" groups mirrors which are not labeled as manufacturers references.
Defines the type of mirrors to be selected. If "All" is selected, this criterion is not taken into account.
Actually, the mirrors can be "spherical concave", "elliptic" or "parabolic". Note that "elliptic" and "parabolic" mirrors are also considered as concave.
Defines the reference of the mirror to be selected. As each reference is normally unique, no other selection criterion should be used when this cell is filled. If it is empty, the related criterion is obviously not taken into account.
min. efl
Defines the lower value authorized for the effective focal length of the mirrors to be selected. If this cell is empty, this criterion is obviously not taken into account.
max. efl
Defines the upper value authorized for the effective focal length of the mirrors to be selected. If this cell is empty, this criterion is obviously not taken into account.
min. mag
Defines the lower value authorized for the magnification (algebraic value) of the mirrors configurations to be selected. If this cell is empty, this criterion is obviously not taken into account.
max. mag.
Defines the upper value authorized for the magnification (algebraic value) of the mirrors configurations to be selected. If this cell is empty, this criterion is obviously not taken into account.
min. offset
Defines the lower value authorized for the offset of the mirrors to be selected. This criterion applies only to off-axis mirrors and especially to parabolic off-axis mirrors.
For “off-axis parabola-angular offset”, the offset is the angle in degrees around the X axis of the chief ray with the mirror axis, the chief ray starting from the focal point and intersecting the mirror at the center of the aperture.
For “off-axis parabola-decenter”, the offset is the height in mm (coordinate on the Y axis) of the chief ray parallel to the mirror axis, the chief ray intersecting the mirror at the center of the aperture. If the cell is empty, this criterion is obviously not taken into account.
max. offset
Defines the upper value authorized for the offset of the mirrors to be selected. This criterion applies only to off-axis mirrors and especially to parabolic off-axis mirrors.
For “off-axis parabola-angular offset”, the offset is the angle in degrees around the X axis of the chief ray with the mirror axis, the chief ray starting from the focal point and intersecting the mirror at the center of the aperture.
For “off-axis parabola-decenter”, the offset is the height in mm (coordinate on the Y axis) of the chief ray considered parallel to the mirror axis, the chief ray intersecting the mirror at the center of the aperture. If this cell is empty, this criterion is obviously not taken into account.
min. aperture
*Defines the lower value authorized for the aperture of the mirrors to be selected. If this cell is empty, this criterion is obviously not taken into account.
max. aperture
*Defines the lower value authorized for the aperture of the mirrors to be selected. If this cell is empty, this criterion is obviously not taken into account.
* The aperture is not necessarily the mirror diameter.
The results are displayed in a table at the right of the selection table.
The results table columns are the following:
Defines the mirror/configuration reference.
Defines the supplier name.
Defines the mirror type.
Defines the absolute value of the effective focal length.
Defines the mirror aperture in mm.
Defines the the offset of the mirror. It is in general set to "0" except for off-axis mirrors.
For “off-axis parabola-angular offset”, the offset is the angle in degrees around the X axis (By default perpendicular to the screen and oriented towards it) of the incident chief ray with the mirror axis, the chief ray starting from the focal point and intersecting the mirror at the center of the aperture.
For “off-axis parabola-decenter”, the offset is the height in mm (coordinate on the Y axis - By default vertical and oriented to the top) of the incident chief ray parallel to the mirror axis, the chief ray intersecting the mirror at the center of the aperture. If the cell is empty, this criterion is obviously not taken into account.
mag., obj. as well as obs. are parameters that are set up in the "Advanced Calculations" simulation tool when the mirror is inserted using the "replace actual system" option in the "insert a component" page. In this case, the mirror is primarily used as a stand alone component.
Defines the algebraic value of the magnification corresponding to the mirror configuration.
Defines the algebraic distance from the object to the mirror for the specified magnification. It is "infinite" if the object is placed at infinity (magnification = "0").
Defines the algebraic distance from the mirror to the observation surface for the specified magnification.