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Calculates a system made of 2 lenses from the catalog for second harmonic generation in a PPLN crystal.

The first lens focuses the beam at the fundamental wavelength in the PPLN crystal and the second lens collimates the generated second harmonic beam. The input parameters are the fundamental wavelength, the waist size of the incident beam before its focusing, its waist size once focuded by the first lens in the PPLN crystal, the waist size of the second harmonic beam after its collimation by the second lens, the PPLN temperature and dimensions. It is considered that the waist of the focused beams are in the middle of the PPLN crystal.

1) PPLN caracteristics and beam parameters: enter the requested parameters (PPLN temperature and dimensions, wavelength, waist sizes of the fundamental/second harmonic collimated beams and waist size of the fundamental focused beam in the PPLN).

2) Optimal configuration and fundamental/second harmonic beams caracteristics: parameters and postionning of the 2 lenses for the second harmonic generation are then calculated (focal lengths, positions relatively to the PPLN crystal and the beam waists) as well as the waist size of the second harmonic beam in the PPLN crystal.

3) Possible systems with components fom the catalogs...: relevant configurations using lenses from the catalog and labelled "config..." are proposed in a table displaying their main caracteristics. Each configuration is separated in 2 systems: one focusing the beam at the fundamental wavelength in the PPLN ("F" suffix) and the other collimating the second harmonic beam ("SH" suffix). Each of these systems can be uploaded separately in the "Advanced Calculations" tool for analyzis or optimization.

4) List of “Handy Calculations” processed in the use case...: the list of "Handy Calculations" processed in the use case are displayed for direct use and better understanding.

Further details are provided in the contextual support (beige buttons above).

f1 to be calculated
distWFin_L1 to be calculated
distL1_ppln to be calculated
WSHppln to be calculated
f2 to be calculated
distppln_L2 to be calculated
distL2_WSHout to be calculated