About optical-calculation software

Optical-calculation software has been developed by CLAVIS which is a french small cap created by Gilles Passedat in 2001. CLAVIS was primarily a start-up in optical communication developing and exploiting a proprietary technology for the manufacturing of high volume hermetic feedthroughs on fiber optics and micro optics at much lower cost than the established technologies.

In 2004, after the telecom bubble burst, CLAVIS moved into R&D consultancy for optical instrumentation, thus adressing many applications in different fields including microelectronics, medical, green industry, energy, telecom, security, defense, manufacturing, laser, space, nuclear, automotive, consumer applications, research, etc. It has been involved in more than 50 projects with start ups, SMEs, large companies and research organizations. Among them are TOTAL Energies, TELEDYNE E2V, CNRS, PELLENC ST, CANAL+,...

The longest collaboration was carried out from 2013 to 2022 in the "Port Plugs and Diagnostics Division" of ITER organization. CLAVIS has, among other things, contributed to the conceptual designs of the IVVS (In Vessel Viewing System) and IVLS (In Vessel Lighting System).

CLAVIS benefited from its experience in optical instrumentation to develop optical-calculation that was Launched in 2022. It is an online calculation and simulation tool helping those who have to carry out with projects in photonics whether they are beginners or experts in photonics/optical softwares and whether they are occasionnal or regular users.

In addition to his activity at CLAVIS, Gilles Passedat is also involved in the European Commission since 2011 as an expert for the evaluation/review of previously FP7 projects and more recently of HORIZON 2020 as well as "EIC accelerator" ones.

He has also been part-time senior lecturer at the "Mesures physiques" department of the IUT (Institut Universitaire de Technologie) in Marseille from 2006 to 2012.

Gilles Passedat is graduated from the Institut d’Optique Graduate School (Greater Paris) and has obtained his PHD in 1993 in the Laboratoire de l’Horloge Atomique (Greater Paris) on the "Coherence improvement of high power laser diodes". After his PHD, he joined Coherent Inc as sales engineer and then moved to Theta Scan SA as product manager in virtual reality. Before creating CLAVIS, he set up an optical department in La Precision SA producing at this time mechanical parts for the telecom industry.