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General information
This site is published by CLAVIS, registered to the RCS of Marseille with the number 438 212 607, whose
headquarters is : 29 Boulevard Marius Thomas 13007 Marseille - France
Publication Director: Mr. Gilles Passedat
2 rue Kellermann -
BP 80157 -
59100 Roubaix - France
- Fax: +33
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CLAVIS provides online technical and scientific service on the website This service includes computation pages, tutorials
and glossary in the field of photonics.
The tutorials and some of the computation pages are usable only for authorized people having acquired rights of use by a subscription.
Terms of use
The website and service source codes are CLAVIS's property. The visitor is therefore neither authorized to have access to nor to obtain them and even less to use them for any purpose including copying, distributing, reselling, reverse-engineering, modifying, adapting, improving, etc.
Any accessible material of the service (including but not limited to contractant interface architecture, pictures, graphisms, logos, identifying marks, trade names, trademarks, text, tree diagrams, etc.) are the property of CLAVIS and that any publication, reproduction or imitation of it, in whole or in part, without CLAVIS express prior written consent is prohibited whatever the reason and even less for commercial purposes.
All these elements (service source code and accessible material) are protected by the provisions of the Code of Intellectual Property.
It is recalled that in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Intellectual Property, any offender is liable to civil and criminal penalties provided for counterfeiting. Any violation of these provisions may result in legal action against the offender.
Although CLAVIS makes every effort to provide an effective and secured service and update it regularly, it can not guarantee its perfect accuracy, its completeness, reliability or quick time completion neither that it is bug free, error free, defect free, security breach free or omission free. Accordingly, the service offered may be interrupted, may contain bugs, errors, defects, security breach or omission. CLAVIS cannot be held liable and therefore cannot be sued for the fact that the service is provided with interruption, bugs, errors, faults, security breach, or omission. The service is provided "as is" and "as available". Therefore the visitor aknowledges that the use of the service is at her/his sole own risk and that CLAVIS cannot be held responsible for any prejudice of any kind suffered by her/him, her/his organization or any other third party and arising or supposed arising from the use of the service. CLAVIS expressly disclaims all warranties, representations and conditions of any kind,
whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties, representations and conditions of merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by a visitor from CLAVIS or through or from the service shall create any warranty not expressely stated in the terms.
After exhaustion of remedies amicably, court award is given to the competent courts of Marseille ( France ) for any dispute arising between the parties,
even in case of referred, guaranty call or multiple defendants, with under French law.